
Cost of building a website

One of the topics that has concerned and has been discussed as little as possible in the web space is how the cost of a website is determined. All professionals have many times come face to face with clients who have been left with their mouths open when hearing the price of their website. Many times we come into contact with people who are really misinformed by what they have read or heard from colleagues in the field. The answer to the cost of a website is certainly not simple, nor can we have a price list and present it every time a client comes to our office. The customer should not forget that he is not ordering from a restaurant menu but is in a creative office providing services. The problem with providing services in general is that it creates misunderstandings about costing because let's not forget that it is something intangible without giving something clear to the recipient - customer. We would say that it is more of a quality good than a quantity good. This is precisely where the issue of lack of understanding or misunderstanding arises. Therefore, as professionals, we must be as clear as possible and explain to our clients exactly what we are and what we provide.

Our experience so far has shown us that as professionals we should make it clear to the market what is the profile of the customer we are looking for. This essentially means that we should have a clear sales strategy and approach the appropriate recipients - customers of our services. It's pointless trying to sell something expensive to someone who doesn't have the money or the philosophy for that good. At first he will not understand what you are telling him and in the end he will spread to his circle that you are an expensive seller of this particular service. The result for you, probably unprofitable. You also wasted time and created a negative image for your product. So we must have a clear target group and strictly address them. We either sell this cheap or expensive.

But to return to our topic, the costing of a website, as customers, in order to be able to correctly judge an offer, you should take the following into account:

a) The type of website (e.g. pre-built open source Joomla type CMS or Custom website made from scratch)
b) The experience of the manufacturer
If it is someone who is an amateur and makes websites for their hobby, then obviously the price will be low as well. But if we are talking about a professional who has his own office, has experience and a clientele with jobs that you can see at any time and check, then his price will definitely be much higher.
c) Support & further development
Let's not forget that a website does not end with its design. The professional should be able to support you at every level but also advise you on the right course and promotion at every stage of its development. It's not something you just start and it just goes away on its own. It needs constant monitoring and development. Otherwise your project is "finished" from the first day of its birth.

The positive thing today is that precisely because the internet space has become so competitive, there is no room for sloppiness. So someone who does not provide excellent service cannot survive easily. What is certain is that it cannot claim the market share it is targeting.

In conclusion, what we recommend to every new contact with our prospective clients is to be sure of what they want to do and to have as clear goals as possible. Only in this way can one have the best possible result in the quality-price ratio of a website.