Max Grow
It was established in Larnaca Cyprus and has developed the electronic device MAX GROW. The innovative technology of MAX GROW gives the permanent cost-efficient solution in high salinity and salty waters (Water with high electrical conductivity) combining excellent durability, zero servicing and respect to the environment.
It offers a permanent solution in all the problems scale causes in industrial installations as well.
The company has a wide range of fully satisfied customers, such as Municipalities, hospitals, Public Electricity Power Supply Company, food and beverages industries, plastic industries, hotels, farmers and many others.
Δημιουργία ιστοσελίδας σε WordPress
Η εταιρεία ήρθε σε εμάς, καθώς είχε στον αέρα ένα πολύ παλιό website. Χρειαζόταν να κάνουμε redesign από το μηδέν, τελείως νέο Layout, φιλοσοφία και νέα γραφικά για να αναδείξουμε όλα τα πλεονεκτήματα τους προϊόντος τους.