
Is OpenCart the best e-shop platform?


OpenCart is a popular and widespread solution for creating quality online stores. It is an easy-to-use, flexible and powerful tool for creating and managing an online store.

It provides a wide range of features to create a successful online store, including different payment options, free and paid extra plugins, different languages and multi-currency support, different shipping options and more.

It supports the API and XML interface of all well-known services such as Skroutz, Bestprice, Shopflix and all well-known commercial warehouse management software such as Soft One and Pylon. At the same time, through an interface bridge, all well-known courier companies are fully supported, for automatic voucher creation and immediate notification of the customer on the status of his parcel.

All in all it is a powerful platform for building a modern e-shop, which can help you build a successful business.

What is OpenCart and how does it work?


OpenCart is a free e-commerce software that enables users to create an online store. It is easy to use and has endless possibilities to manage it. It provides tools to manage products, customers, orders, payments and ads. In addition, it provides a wide range of options for website customization, order processing and customer management.

What are the possibilities of OpenCart for the management of the e-shop?

OpenCart is a leading platform when it comes to processing the basic elements of a store.

It is possible to manage orders, payment processes, change available shipping methods and product advertisements. In addition, it can easily manage customer data and detail all product data, such as title, description, coding, options and attributes, while we have evolved product processing into an easy-to-use process, where almost all operations are performed directly from the product list via AJAX.

You can easily export all your products in xls format and edit them quickly through Excel. With the same process, it is possible to import the file to update your warehouse.

All this through a modern interface fully translated into Greek and with overall capabilities that exceed any requirement.

What are the features of OpenCart for customer management?

You can create customer accounts, manage their addresses, manage payment options, manage shipping options, return options, manage coupons and have full reports on each.


OpenCart is a powerful platform for building online stores. It provides an easy-to-use management environment, integrated management functions and different shipping options, while there are interfaces with all well-known courier companies, such as ELTA, GENERAL POST and ACS.

It is ideal for businesses of different sizes, as it allows easy installation of additional features and use of specialized extensions.

With the power of the open software license there is no commitment to use it by anyone and for as long as you want.

As a company we have implemented hundreds of online stores in OpenCart, while we have also created custom add-ons that improve the functionality of the platform. Among them are plugins to create custom xml / interface with Google Merchants & Facebook Catalogue.

See in detail the characteristics of our e-shops in OpenCart here.