
Need website development & support

Nowadays, more and more professionals choose the Internet as the best means of promoting, advertising and evaluating their products or their business. After all, we are now going through an era where not only the absence of a website classifies the company as introverted, but also the first impression of each customer is based a lot on how friendly, easy to use and reliable this website is.

Despite this, and while the creation of a website is one of the first promotion priorities from the company's side, in the majority of cases the stakeholders do not pay the necessary attention to the needs of such a project.

Of course, one of the first things one looks at when creating a website is to visually and informationally satisfy the visitor and potential customer. Thus, the manufacturer spends a lot of time on the correct selection of color combinations and images that will provide the appropriate stimuli as well as on the wording of the text that will be used depending on the audience it is addressed to.

So the promotion is often enough for the owner of a website, and if it is combined with a good advertising policy and promotion of the page, then the manufacturer's work is considered finished, while the only contact they keep with him afterwards is for any changes or damages that it can to come under their notice.

However, as all serious professionals in the field of website construction emphasize, and few pay attention to them, the creation of a website is only the beginning, while its continuous support, upgrading and protection for as long as it exists is imperative.

It is also known that website violations have increased significantly, usually resulting in the alteration of website content and the display of various images by hackers, and even the theft of important business data.

Support is the prerequisite for a website to continue to function smoothly over time. And although it is one of the most critical factors, it is very often not considered by the person concerned, with the result that very few websites on the Internet have support, although there are critical reasons that dictate it.

So there is a plethora of experts, developers and non-developers, companies or independent freelancers, who have the technical knowledge to build a website. However, the biggest stifling factor for the correct and smooth implementation and maintenance of such projects is usually the incomplete knowledge and wrong impressions that exist on the part of the stakeholders. After all, it is a common phenomenon to underestimate the work of a programmer, and in fact, in Greece there is not even the concept of contracts for the support and upgrading of websites for their continuous monitoring and development.

So why is it necessary to support a website?
The installation of a website is always based on specific specifications for its proper operation and adequate protection. However, the Internet is a rapidly changing space and therefore if one of the specifications changes, the website risks not working properly or being vulnerable to possible attacks. Either for security reasons or due to the constant evolution of the market, websites usually require checking and possible changes several times a year. These include from checking the log files to a more general renewal and upgrading of the technical features which, although not obvious to the page's visitor, are vital for its safe and reliable operation.

The Greek reality:
The majority of small and medium-sized businesses view IT services as a necessary evil at best. It is a common phenomenon for the entrepreneur to consider that the construction of a website includes its "lifetime" support. On the other hand, the construction of websites is often done by unreliable companies or even non-professionals in the field, with the result that the future work required is not analyzed for the client.
So reliable IT companies face a significant problem every time they explain what a support contract means and why it is important. Thus, the concept of a website support contract is almost unknown in the Greek market with very negative consequences for the quality of the online presence of businesses.
Of course, the situation is much worse in contracts for the promotion of websites using Internet Marketing techniques.

In conclusion, the construction of web pages is simply the basis for starting a continuous effort to improve, evolve and adapt to the modern needs of the internet. After all, nothing can be taken for granted or technically perfect after a few months in the fluid world of the Internet.